在经历了艰难的赛季开局之后, 这个来自艾尔斯悬崖的高尔夫球手, 魁北克在周日打出了他有史以来最好的一回合. 威廉作为斯巴达人的第一次比赛胜利以戏剧性的方式到来. 两名斯坦斯特德高尔夫球手在比赛结束后以最低杆数并列, 所以为了确定低毛, they went to extra holes. 这意味着他们走回去重新打了第18洞. Still tied, they played the 10th hole and still tied, off to the 17th hole they went! 当他们看起来要进入季后赛第四个洞的时候, William pulled up his socks and made a fabulous 12-foot putt to take the victory over his teammate, Jack Carter. 因为他今年的整体进步和周日的表现, your Athlete of the Week, from the golf team, William Towner.
谁知道这些来自新加坡和埼玉县的学生运动员, 日本将成为网球界的天堂. 从赛季开始, their coaches could tell that they would become a force to be reckoned with. 几乎一有机会就绕过对手, they have impressed players on the other side of the net and earned the respect of their peers. Always looking to improve, they have also used their time to help their teammates get better. Their coaches would even argue that nobody is more dedicated to their craft than these two. 感谢他们在与BCS的最后三场比赛中令人难以置信和稳定的发挥, Athletes of the Week, from tennis, Seia Oikawa和Louis Sullivan.
A standout second-year junior rugby player, Julia Lee is fierce on the pitch! 她是一股进攻力量,在防守方面也毫不留情. 在昨天的ETIAC比赛中,她强有力且技术可靠的铲球让球迷们惊叹不已,因为她帮助球队巩固了对高尔特和BCS的胜利. Julia is wracking up points on the scoreboard and back to finish what she started last season. 一位有着非凡技巧和决心的安静的领导者, 恭喜你,本周最佳运动员, from junior girls rugby, Julia Lee.
Malcolm Nicholson, Grade 11, from Darien, Connecticut, had an epic performance in the boys lacrosse team’s first game in the United States this year. 他打进三球,踢得很顽强,很无私. Malcolm is relentless with the ball in his stick and also when trying to get it back. The attackmen duo with Jaxon Pierce is a threat to score anytime they touch the ball. 马尔科姆与BCS的后续比赛没有让人失望. 他又以3球的表现带领球队以11-5取胜. 感谢他出色的得分手感和整体无私的发挥, 恭喜你,本周最佳运动员马尔科姆·尼科尔森.
来自魁北克斯坦斯特德的查兹·格雷尼尔上周末在新不伦瑞克省的橄榄球节上展示了真正的勇气. 在决赛中,他被夹击,仍然设法创造进攻. 在冠军赛的关键时刻,他在防守端的强势表现导致了无数的失误和势头的改变. Off the field, Chaz leads by rallying everyone to be invested and push towards the end goal of team victory.
The second student-athlete recognized this week, Shun Hatano, is known as the “Tokyo 10.“他是一个拥有大量技术的电子球员. He can kick, see gaps in the defence and pass on a rope to his left and right. 在最重要的时候,他会把自己的比赛提升到另一个水平. 这两位12年级的领袖在确保邦尼堡B组的冠军旗帜方面发挥了重要作用.
上周的最佳运动员是守门员 Louis Sullivan and team captain Charles Généreux from U15 hockey who led the team to win the RSEQ Metro Division semi-final at home, 包括查尔斯在加时赛中的绝杀.
In what may well turn out to be the final basketball action of the 2023-24 season, 你们的斯巴达人前往百年纪念地区高中参加一年一度的麦克劳德省锦标赛. 麦克劳德锦标赛是一项传奇的赛事, 首届活动早在1953年就开始了. 71 years ago! In all that time, 体育菠菜大平台(Stanstead College)在2017-2019年四次获得冠军, 去年也是2023年). 这是一场很难取胜的比赛. 但正如我们之前所说,有价值的事情从来不容易.
一个来自舍布鲁克的11年级学生, Quebec, nosammie Cloutier是心脏, soul and rock of the prep girls hockey team all through last weekend's JWHL playoffs. 由于伤病,球队整个周末都缺少两名后卫, 队长每隔一秒就负责防守. Not only did she perform her regular duties of shutting down the opposition’s offensive threats, but she also contributed offensively by scoring her first goal of the season in the opening game. She played through the pain of badly bruised ribs and never complained about it. 如此渴望总冠军, 她早上6点就提前三个小时到达,为这场大赛做准备. 如果没有她的领导和无条件的奉献精神,女孩们不可能在这个周末取得成功. 恭喜你,本周最佳运动员诺·克劳蒂尔.
This past weekend, 你们体育菠菜大平台的斯巴达人来到圣让-黎塞留参加我们今年最重要的两项活动中的第一项, the 2024年贝利小型学校省级锦标赛. As defending champions, 在锦标赛中排名第一, we were looking to take care of business and bring the championship plaque back home.
This Grade 11 student-athlete from South Korea has been in the curling program for two years. 随着时间的推移,她已经成为一名相当出色的球员. Kayla was a dominant force in the team’s game against Richmond this past week. 教练普莱内塔形容凯拉是一个“微笑的刺客”——她脸上带着恶魔般的笑容取出对手的石头. Kayla looks to lead her team as they play for the ETIAC championship tomorrow in North Hatley. 表彰她在过去一周的整体进步和出色表现, 祝贺本周最佳运动员凯拉·李.
我不能确定他们这个赛季的所有比赛都打得怎么样, 但我很确定拉鲁什, 本赛季在rseqd3中保持不败,无可争议的联赛领头羊, haven’t had many games as tough as their game against your Stanstead Spartans last Wednesday.
The halftime buzzer goes. 球员们低着头,耷拉着肩膀,蹒跚地走向板凳席. Demoralized. 我记不清具体的分数了,但很难看. 36-11或者类似的数字. It felt like more. 拉鲁什的全场紧逼让他很虚弱, no let-up at all, 从不让我们在进攻端感到舒服, 他们的快餐快害死我们了. 即使我们有几个人在转换, 他们会保持在五年级, 无论如何,向下坡进攻并完成比赛, contested or not. Even when we forced them to play in the half court, they dropped threes like it was nothing. They were fast, athletic, deep, they were shooting well, and they were on their home floor. Laruche was rolling. 斯坦斯特德不可能赢得这场比赛.
And he was not wrong. 因为我们不仅要面对斋戒, well-coached Triolet team hellbent on revenge (we’d beaten them 10 days earlier), 但三人组每场比赛都在全场紧逼, and we were going to be without our point guard (as Melissa was out with a concussion). 在女子篮球中,没有什么比在没有真正运球者的情况下带球对抗压力更困难的了. 这不仅很困难,还会让人士气低落. 我不想撒谎,我很担心进入这个游戏.
这位来自艾尔斯克里夫的12年级学生运动员, Quebec earned 3 points in two games against a tough Le Boisé opponent on Saturday. 周一,这位U18曲棍球队长打进4球,助攻3次,帮助球队以7比3战胜frontali. 威廉总是以正确的方式玩游戏, 在场上和场下,他是一个天生的领导者吗?当教练是一种乐趣吗. 恭喜你,William Towner!
Twelve days ago, 这是我们圣诞假期回来的第一场比赛, we travelled all the way to Victoriaville to play our worst game of the year versus Le Boise, a listless 33-24 loss. 刚刚过去的星期二是我们救赎的机会. At home this time.
This past weekend, 大学男子曲棍球队赢得了两场比赛, the first against the #3-ranked Kimball Union Academy and the second against New Hampton School. 在这两场比赛中,领头进攻的是球队队长杰克森·皮尔斯(12年级,新墨西哥州弗雷德里克顿)。. 杰克森在对阵金博尔联盟队的比赛中第一个回合就进球了,并在周日对阵新汉普顿队的比赛中打进了第一球和第二个球. 除了发现自己在两场比赛中打进3球之外, 杰克森的职业道德在整个周末都得到了充分展示. Congratulations, Jaxon!
上周末,你们的斯巴达人前往大城市参加一年一度的蒙特利尔独立学校锦标赛, 总是一年中最精彩的时刻. We were hoping to build upon the progress we made in our last league game vs Salesien, and build we did. We haven’t quite returned to our best form of the season (which was at CAIS last November), but we made real strides.
Well, that was better. Much better. 从热身开始,我们看起来更快了. More athletic. Ready to go. Passes were crisp, 手很稳,伤口很锋利, 你能听到运动鞋在地板上吱吱作响的那种. All of which carried over to the first quarter, and honestly, to the whole game. Last Thursday, 我们看起来就像在流沙中行进, but this past Tuesday vs Le Salesien we were purposeful for the full 32 minutes.
上周三,U15曲棍球队的Charles Genereux在新罕布什尔州卡迪根山学校度过了精彩的一天. 来自洛林的九年级学生, Quebec, Charles scored the tying goal in the last three minutes of play in the third period, and then, 比赛还剩54秒, 他在一次出色的端对端冲刺中打进致胜球. 斯巴达队在比赛最后阶段上演了反败为胜的好戏, 强大而快速的卡迪根山队以3比2的比分取得了胜利. 因为他把整个团队都推在了自己身上, 本周最佳运动员是U15曲棍球队队长, Charles Généreux.
2023年12月2日星期六,温尼伯CAIS锦标赛. Not only was that the last basketball game your Spartans played before this past Thursday’s RSEQ trip to Le Boise in Victoriaville; that was also the last day the whole team even practiced together. Immediately upon their return from CAIS, our Grade 12s started preparing for exams, i.e. 没有运动,只是学习.