A fun-filled Canadian environment with campers from around the world!
Language Immersion
Summer of adventures
Lifelong friendships
Leadership development
At 边境上大学, our 夏天 campers learn English, 法语或西班牙语通过一个独特的浸入式课程,包括课堂学习加上户外和文化游览和其他校园活动.
11至17岁的男孩和女孩以9至15岁为一组,接受三个级别的指导:初级, intermediate and advanced. 课堂教学注重口语、听力、阅读和写作练习. 通过提高理解能力和发展口语词汇和语法,参与者在第二(或第三)语言方面变得更加自信. 学生们在课堂上和玩耍的时候都有动力说他们学习的语言,以最大限度地利用他们的营地和学习经验. At the end of camp, advanced-level students will undergo 托福考试初级 测试.
Learn English, French, or Spanish! Live a language immersion experience and develop lifelong skills and friendships.
Cultural and Recreational Activities
Learning a second language has never been so much fun! 为学生提供探索魁北克多元文化和自然美景的机会, 我们的语言探险浸入式项目在整个夏令营期间组织了一些户外和文化活动,以充分利用他们的营地和学习经验.
•博物馆•自然公园•观光•露营•海滩日•艺术 & •团队 & sports • Shopping • Bonfires • Amusement Parks • And more!
"This camp helped me a lot academically. 我现在可以看一部没有字幕的电影或电视剧,而且完全理解了所有的内容! It also allowed me to make friends I am still in contact with. I often think about Stanstead and the wonderful times I spent there."
Registration may be cancelled up to March 31 without penalty. After this date and up to two weeks prior to the opening day of camp, a cancellation fee of $300 will be assessed; less than two weeks prior to opening day of camp, the cancellation fee will be $500. There will be no reimbursement once the camp has started.