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Your Unique You Has Worth

By Lysa Onyx Rhytity Kabirigi  
Break is right around the corner, and like many of you, I am also excited. 但在体育菠菜大平台的第三年,我意识到一切都过得很快. 你们的许多老师肯定告诉过你们,休息之后,你将看不到日子的流逝. It is true, and I have come to experience it too. 
I have been here for three years, and each time I think that I have time to postpone something, I end up not having any. 在斯坦斯特德的三年已经过去了,但我仍然感觉像是昨天才来的. 我记得我第一次感冒,也记得我第一次知道什么是冰球. 
Speaking as an international student, 来体育菠菜大平台是我迄今为止做过的最好的决定之一. I learned more about different cultures, 视角, met new people and had the chance to share my own culture.  
Now, adjusting to a different culture can be fun but also hard. 作为一名新学生,最让我烦恼的是在这个地方找不到归属感. 我记得我问我的室友的第一个问题是什么是曲棍球. 在布隆迪,曲棍球是不存在的,所以我问这个问题是完全合理的. But for some reason, I still felt like I should have known. 
其他国际学生甚至在他们到来之前就知道冰球是什么. 这个简单的原因导致了我所谓的斯坦斯特德经历的最低点. 我开始拿自己和别人比较,忘记了我来这里的目的:学习, 经历, 和教学. 
As the days passed, 我意识到,这里的大多数学生都对自己的未来有规划,并且确切地知道自己的生活要做什么. At least, that is what I thought. Most of my peers were good at sports, had good grades and were involved in many aspects of the school. 另一方面,我甚至不敢参加课堂,因为害怕被评判. 
我觉得自己一无是处. 不仅因为我的成就不如其他人,还因为我觉得自己没有为这个地方做出贡献, which made me think, 再一次, that I did not belong here. 
幸运的是,我交了一些很好的朋友,他们帮助我与周围的人重新建立了联系. 他们亲切的话语和赞美使我意识到我也有特殊的品质与学校分享. 
I am from another country, and as much as I was learning from this place, people were also learning as much from me. 
我开始意识到,这种不安全感使我无法充分利用我在斯坦斯特德的经历.  I know that for most of us, 很难认识到我们能做什么,因为我们太专注于思考别人的想法或把自己和别人比较. 
Stanstead College gives us all the chance to show and share our uniqueness, our multiple talents and stay involved at school. 很明显, we cannot just ignore the fact that this school has very brilliant people, 但我们也应该相信,我们每个人都有自己的才华. 我们应该选择承认自己的价值,关注我们能做什么,而不是我们不能做什么. 

Recognizing and appreciating our own values, 技能和能力对我们个人的成长和发展有很大的帮助. 
So, I would encourage you to use this break to reset. 想想你能做些什么,并充分利用你在斯坦斯特德大学的经历,因为这不是每个人都能得到的机会. 